Streamline Your Strategy, Achieve Real Results

ClearPoint is the comprehensive solution to all of your strategic planning and business reporting needs

Time for Transformation: Book Here

A Comprehensive and Real Customer Centric Solution

Your organization has its own unique set of needs, and you deserve a solution tailored to meet them. Unlike other systems that lock you into pre-set methodologies, ClearPoint is built to support any strategic framework or reporting structure. It’s designed to fit your organization, not the other way around.

Your Trusted Partner in Strategy Execution

Experience personalized support and guidance from strategy experts at every step of your strategy journey. Backed by over 50 years of experience, the award-winning Customer Success Team will evaluate and assess your plan and processes to ensure you are set up for success from the beginning.

Your Trusted Partner in Strategy Execution

Experience personalized support and guidance from strategy experts at every step of your strategy journey. Backed by over 50 years of experience, the award-winning Customer Success Team will evaluate and assess your plan and processes to ensure you are set up for success from the beginning.

Our Services

Accounting & Bookkeeping

Our dedicated team ready to full fill your requirements with our powerful Accounting and Bookkeeping solutions

Our dedicated team ready to full fill your requirements with our powerful Accounting and Bookkeeping solutions

Human Resource Mgmt

Find out how can we help you ruining your payroll , set a proper recruitment plan, and creating polices & procedures

Find out how can we help you ruining your payroll , set a proper recruitment plan, and creating polices & procedures

Human Capital Consulting

Our cloud services will allow you save time better, reduce cost and leverage technologhy of your business
Our cloud services will allow you save time better, reduce cost and leverage technologhy of your business

Value Added Tax ( VAT )

We help your business stay compliant with sales tax law while you can focus more in growing your business
We help your business stay compliant with sales tax law while you can focus more in growing your business

Finance Consulting

Our consultants offer you with innovative solutions that will contribute to achieving your business objectives.
Our consultants offer you with innovative solutions that will contribute to achieving your business objectives.

Business Tax

Our tax experts will help you be as tax efficient as possible while ensuring that you are also in full compliance
Our tax experts will help you be as tax efficient as possible while ensuring that you are also in full compliance

Secretarial Services

a specialized secretarial Service made specifically for your business that will help you stay compliant and save your time better
a specialized secretarial Service made specifically for your business that will help you stay compliant and save your time better

Cloud Accounting & Payroll

Our cloud services will allow you save time better, reduce cost and leverage technologhy of your business
Our cloud services will allow you save time better, reduce cost and leverage technologhy of your business

Payroll Managment

Our cloud services will allow you save time better, reduce cost and leverage technologhy of your business
Our cloud services will allow you save time better, reduce cost and leverage technologhy of your business


a specialized secretarial Service made specifically for your business that will help you stay compliant and save your time better
a specialized secretarial Service made specifically for your business that will help you stay compliant and save your time better

Strategic Planning

Our cloud services will allow you save time better, reduce cost and leverage technologhy of your business
Our cloud services will allow you save time better, reduce cost and leverage technologhy of your business

Business Operation

Our cloud services will allow you save time better, reduce cost and leverage technologhy of your business
Our cloud services will allow you save time better, reduce cost and leverage technologhy of your business

Industries We Serve

Real Estat

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School Academy

Restaurants & Cafes



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Professional Peactices

Retail & wholesale

Non For Profit

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Health Care

Seamlessly Integrate with the tools you use the most

Integrate your sources of data, no matter where it lives,
to enhance your ability to execute strategy.


Pull or push updates from Excel into your account in real-time.

Power BI

Embed visualizations from Power BI into ClearPoint.


Update your ClearPoint reports with data straight from your CRM.


Embed visualizations for your dashboards in ClearPoint.


Export dashboards from ClearPoint into PowerPoint.


Bring in your project information to ClearPoint to create high-level reports.

Ready to automate your strategy? Schedule a demo now.

Barber Shop

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